More Information on Specfile

May 4, 2009

I added some spec files on the downloads page and also added some more information on the specfile to section two of the tutorial today.  That’s all I have to offer for the moment so for now that’s it.  Unless I get any feedback or some requests I don’t have anything else to add.  Enjoy.

About the Tutorial

May 3, 2009

I’ve just created this tutorial and gotten everything written.  I mostly just moved all the information from an older tutorial I had, but some parts had to be redone.  The later parts of the tutorial may have some spelling mistakes, but I should have everything finished soon.  If you have any questions please just leave a comment somewhere and I will get back to you with either some help or just to tell you I don’t know either.

I created this tutorial to document information I needed when I created some rpms a while back.  I refer to those rpms often as examples, and they can be useful learning aids.  You can download anything you like on the downloads page.  It’s all open-source.  I will be including specfiles there soon as well.  If some of the programs won’t run its probably because they’re a little old, and I don’t use them anymore.